Unsurprisingly, the gaming market has become one of the most promising in recent years. More and more investors are targeting companies and trends in this segment, which nowadays does not only reach children and young people looking for fun in electronic games.

In Brazil alone, in the last year, market revenues grew 140%, according to data from Visa Consulting & Analytics, which analyzed purchases made on platforms in this segment. Players have become professional and participate in championships with millionaire prizes, but several other job opportunities arise even for those who have no affinity with controls and consoles.

Investor in this market since 2019, Santiago Blanco, CEO of Prota Games, the main producer of content for specialization in electronic games in the country, lists five highly requested professions in the gamer universe.

Marketing analyst

As in every market, communication is one of the pillars for the success of projects and companies, in Santiago Blanco's view. According to him, marketing professionals have space on several fronts in the electronic games segment. “Whether it's a game producer itself or a producer of content about them, taking two examples, the way the products are advertised and worked on based on consumer feedback is what will make it a reference in this market, because the public gamer is quite demanding. In addition, games are seen by companies from other segments as important assets for promoting other products, with the insertion of brands within the games themselves. Therefore, it is essential to have a professional who knows how to deal with these demands”, he explains.

Salary range: 4,000 to 25,000 reais

Social media

For the CEO of Prota Games, the social media function is extremely necessary, as it deals with a very active audience on social networks, in addition to the aforementioned high level of demand. “Gamers tend to keep an eye on all the media from production companies and other companies, as it is worth remembering that, especially with regard to online games, many updates and novelties appear on a regular basis. Having professionals dedicated to this communication has become a necessity for those who want to have a more dynamic contact with users of these products”.

Salary range: 1,000 to 5,000 reais

Games developer

It's not much of a secret, it's the professional responsible for developing an electronic game, whether for computers, video games, tablets or smartphones, respecting all the steps, from scripting to choosing the soundtrack. It demands a good specialization, but Santiago Blanco says that the producers are always looking for people for this position. “Not only do new games appear every year, but well-known ones also evolve, release expansion packs and commemorative versions, for example. Corrections and adaptations are also quite common. Also, hardly a game is entirely made by one person. Although there is always a lead, usually the biggest and most complex games are produced by teams of robust designers. It is difficult for a good designer to run out of work in this market”, he guarantees.

Salary range: 5,000 to 100,000 reais

Graphic designer

This professional is responsible for one of the main elements of an electronic game: the graphics. “It is the item that, nowadays, attracts the public's attention, as it has a direct influence on the players' experience. The graphics are increasingly modern and realistic, which also demands extremely qualified professionals when it comes to large developers. For this reason, there is no lack of job opportunities”, says Santiago Blanco.

Salary range: 5,000 to 20,000 reais

content producer

Finally, Santiago Blanco mentions the very front he currently works on, the production of content for the internet. Whether aiming at entertainment or improving players, as in the case of Prota Games, he explains that this niche, specifically, is ideal for those who want to risk their own project. “Speaking of Brazil, we always observe a shortage of good content for games on platforms. To stand out in this area, all it takes is personal dedication and attention to points such as audiovisual quality, standardization and good frequency of video release. It doesn't matter what equipment was used, only the final product and the aspects that make it more attractive to the public”.

Salary range: from zero to infinity


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