After an interesting first film, but one that wasn't so tense and left an open ending, which maybe promised a superior second feature, Escape Room is back.

Themed based on the games of Exhaust, Escape Room 2: Maximum Voltagein the original Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (Tournament of Champions, a more significant title in the original) starts immediately where the first ended, with Zoey (Taylor Russell) and Ben (Logan Miller) trying to get revenge on the Minos corporation for the events of the predecessor plot.

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This time the two characters go to New York and end up meeting other people who also participated and survived the Minos Escape. For this reason the original name is Tournament of Champions. We are also introduced to the person who sets up the rooms in a brief introduction and as with the psychological trail and investigation theme, as in the Escape rooms, it is more than necessary to pay attention to all the elements presented on the screen, as they will be fundamental to understand the film and even its outcome.

Unlike the first feature, Maximum voltage it holds the spectator much more for approaching Escape's rooms and their real motivation, as it shows all the elements that a room of this type has: padlocks, riddles, teamwork, tension and knowing how to discuss without having to go into violence.

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And this is the main point for the sequel to go too far from the first one. While in the original the rooms were even interesting to see, they were more oriented towards a movie of the style Deadly Games than actually from Escape. Furthermore, the characters were selfish – and they really were meant to be, due to their past – and lacked emotion so that the audience could feel empathy for them.

They were more like the teenager-like characters that everyone wants dead from Friday 13 or Halloween. Already in Escape Room 2: Maximum Voltage, even though they remain shallow, the scenes help make up all the drama they're going through.

The base is interesting, but it still lacks some elements for the public to identify and even feel the pain of loss. But that's something few thrillers can do. Anyway, it doesn't get in the way of the narrative and challenges of each Escape room that are very smart.

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In addition to being intelligent, they are more "real", and make you want to participate in all the rooms present in Escape Room 2: Maximum Voltage, of course, without the risk of death part.

The movie has an interesting ending, but very quick. The outcome for the entire proposal is without salt and the questions of how he managed to get out, where the other character ended up, what were the threats that the antagonist suffered to do what he was doing, remain in the viewer's mind. Some are even understandable, as they will be in the third feature. But even so, others seem to be wrong and that some characters were forgotten.

The actress is still in the cast. Holland Roden, Lydia of Teen Wolf; Carlos Olivero, who belonged to the Menudo group (2007 – 2009); indya moore, to Angel in the series of FX, Pose; Thomas Cocquerel, in The 100, Kidnapping Mr. Heineken; between others.

Escape Room 2: Maximum Voltage it's good entertainment for those who enjoy tension, especially from the Escape rooms or just spend their time feeling the drama and despair of not stepping foot. And never being afraid to walk, it was just as real as in this movie.


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