Biographical films usually enhance their character titles and leave all their work aside.

It is not difficult that these features are lost when trying to show what he did that is so important that the film is focused on the character, turning the biography into something for fans and turning into nostalgia. Even if it's about a person from the distant past.

Crítica | Kardec: O Filme 1

AND Kardec: The Movie, like Nosso Lar, manages to pass in an objective way who Allan Kardec was.

Showing his educating and scientist side to one of the most remembered names in history, the biography describes the journey of someone we don't know.

It is known that he was the one who wrote several works such as The Spirits 'Book, The Mediums' Book and many others, but what most are unaware of is the time in which he lived and the problems he had to face with society, both scientific and religious. .

These were serious problems in troubled years in post-revolution France, with a Catholic Church trying to take control again in the country and thinkers who did not accept ideas for furniture that moved or people who spoke to beings of other dimensions, as this was backward and from a time. medieval / religious who did not want back.

Crítica | Kardec: O Filme 2

The film shows all the consequences that his scientific work has brought on his life and those who were by his side. It was not easy and full of heroism.

It was what life is like, full of doubts, losses and almost always without victories.

And why is a man like Kardec so important, then? This is what this biographical work is about. And with a great cast, both in the main roles and in their support.

The photography and period costumes are perfect. The costume work was well done, as were the social problems of France ruled by Napoleon.

Crítica | Kardec: O Filme 3

Kardec: The Movie it is a feature film for all audiences, whether they are spiritists or not, for knowing how to criticize society at the time and still show us how much we need to evolve in our thoughts, especially in accepting the different.

Thunder Wave review
critique-kardec-the-filmKardec is a biographical film that does not praise the main character, giving value to his work and placing us in the society of the time, to show us the reasons why Allan Kardec is one of the main names in history.


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