Cast of Where's My Heartoriginal series Globoplay, talks about the dilemmas of his characters in the new production.

In the plot, the life of Amanda (Leticia Colin) has always been apparently normal. A structured family, in good financial condition and always present and loving parents led her to the privilege of following her choices. As an adult, life gains new colors and challenges by finding her great love and discovering her passion for medicine. However, even with everything at her fingertips and all material needs resolved, she begins to ask questions for which she cannot find answers. 

In the city of São Paulo, nowadays, Amanda lives in fragility. At home, marriage to Miguel (Daniel de Oliveira), for those who are in love, go through a moment of mismatch of desires. The father, David (Fábio Assunção), the mother, Sofia (Mariana Lima), and the sister, Julia (Manu Morelli) admire and love her, but are agonized by the turbulence caused by her emotional imbalance. The delicate family issues never addressed, until then in a clear way, idealism and self-demand in the medical profession, chosen by vocation and also by great admiration for her father, cause discomfort and distress in Amanda, which intensify each day that passes, in the emergency room of the hospital where he works. Amanda faces daily proximity to death and is frustrated when she is unable to save lives and heal her patients. On a vertical journey, she tries to understand how and why she went so deep into the drug. Amanda's heart asks for serenity and love, but with the difficulties caused by drug addiction, she is increasingly vulnerable. In search of what she thinks is her peace and calm and to indulge her will and escape her nightmare, she seeks refuge in drugs.  

“The human being is vulnerable and that is beautiful, it is what makes us identify with the other, abandoning our defenses, asking for help. Our ability to love comes from being vulnerable. And vulnerability is what also weakens us, confuses us, anguishes us, discourages us, imprisons us. Amanda is young, sensitive, intelligent. She is a contemporary character, a woman who lives in a cosmopolitan city like São Paulo and who has professional and personal challenges. She wants to prove herself as good a doctor as her father and does not accept her limitations and shortcomings. It does not account for life like all of us because it is an illusion to think that we have control over life. And Amanda overflows, loses the reins. I think we handled the vulnerability very badly. The world condemns the vulnerability of the other, it points out as a weakness, as a carelessness, and that is the only condition that makes us all the same. Everything about Amanda is very strong. She is such a human character because she is imperfect, like us ”, defines Letícia Colin. 

The importance of affection

Being around is definitely not being whole. The Meirelles family feels an endless distance even though they are all under one roof. While each one faces their particular ghosts and nightmares, the separation ends up being inevitable and, although unwanted, it leaves behind family ties that seem to be impossible to untie. The mother, Sofia, supports her daughter unconditionally during her fight against drugs, leaving aside her job as an executive and even abdicating her dedication to her marriage to David. All of this becomes even more fragile with the arrival of Adriano (Rodrigo dos Santos): a new employee from your company who will make you rethink your feelings for your husband.

“This family goes through despair, rupture, but it has to make the trajectory of welcoming, which is the only possible one for a family or for a human being. I have a lot of love for Letícia and I think that the love of the characters overflows and transforms ”, Mariana Lima reflects. Her father, David, Amanda's great inspiration, sees her as heir to her legacy in medicine. The pain he feels at seeing his daughter's imbalance reminds him of a serious problem controlled in the past. Like Sofia, she will let so many setbacks aggravate the vulnerability of her marriage and will end up following new directions, finding her assistant in Marta (Bárbara Colen).

“The series addresses emotional and human issues. Nobody knows how to deal previously with the problems that appear in this family. David was prepared to be pragmatic in life, but this emotional density and the drama experienced by his daughter transform all relationships. He reveals himself to be a fragile, vulnerable guy and has a very beautiful dramatic curve. He and Amanda have a very big identification; she has the temperament of her father and becomes a doctor because of it. It is a very sensitive, emotional series that will provoke reflection in the public ”, explains Fábio Assunção. 

Sister Julia, on the other hand, loves Amanda, despite having a common attention dispute between siblings and attributing to Amanda all the problems faced by her family. Because of this, she sees herself as the only one capable of rescuing peace in her home, seeking that consolation in religion and making a promise that causes a turbulence in her courtship with Eugenio (Antonio Negrini). Her husband, Miguel, a very ambitious architect, is also dependent, but on money and social status. Amanda has her great love, but their relationship ends up being hit hard by the emotional collapse of the wife, gaining a reinforcement with the seduction and obstinacy of Vivian (Camila Mardilla), his client in the architecture firm, to win him at any cost.

“When someone uses drugs, all the family members around them are harmed, as is the case with Miguel and Amanda. He tries to help as much as possible to offer his hand to her in this difficult time ”, Daniel de Oliveira tells. The four, without exception, are dragged by Amanda's chemical dependency, in a path that seems hopeless. They become codependents, fall ill together with the young doctor, unconsciously cancel each other in an urgent and disastrous attempt to save those they love. Even in the middle of a huge void, holding Amanda's hand, the parents, her sister and her husband are her most important source of hope and help. It is your network of love that can save you and make you reinvent yourself to return to being the one you always dreamed of.  

“Some drug addicts are cured by religion, others only with their own willpower, others with hospitalization, but, above all, affection is the greatest collaboration that can exist in these cases”, explains George Moura. “The networks of family and friends have the capacity to save people, and that we must understand completely, clearly”, adds Sergio Goldenberg.

The first episode of Onde Está Meu Coração will be shown today, on the 3rd, on Tela Quente, on TV Globo and will debut in full on the platform tomorrow, on the 4th. The series is created and written by George Moura and Sergio Goldenberg and has artistic direction from Luisa Lima, with artistic supervision of José Luiz Villamarim.


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