With a very interesting proposal, illuminated is a thriller, which won an adaptation by Apple TV+, full of elements that promise to please for their boldness, with murders, time travel and important meanings behind each death, but unfortunately, not everything is rosy in the execution of this work.

The plot initially Harper Curtis, a guy who lost everything until he picked up the tweed jacket that held the key to his new life, which would lead him to see the House. To anyone who sees the place from the outside, the House is just an abandoned place, but upstairs there are tools for completing the quests, which the House intuits you to do, and the ability to travel through different times.

he becomes a serial killer, which has a cycle to close. He usually knows the girls he calls Enlightened in his childhood and when the time is right, he returns to kill them in a cruel and cold way, taking with him some private object of theirs and leaving an object from another victim, traveling to a different time. soon after and becoming an almost impossible to find killer.

When Kirby survives one of his attacks, Harper's structured scheme is in danger of falling apart. Four years and lots of plastic surgery after the bombing, Kirby becomes an intern at the Chicago Sun-Time to work with the former police report. Dan Velasquez, who participated in the investigation of your case. She wants to find the killer at any cost, doing whatever it takes and driving a lot of people crazy during her search. The only problem is that even with the evidence in front of you, it's very difficult to relate to deaths that occurred in different decades.

Narrated in third person, illuminated divides the chapters by characters. Lauren Beukes chooses to keep the time crossings from the beginning, making the time gap between each event intriguing but also confusing. It is necessary to pay close attention to the date of each chapter so as not to get lost and therefore the reading becomes slower and the risk of becoming lost until you actually have the first murder is great. The work goes through a third of the entire story on a slow path of preparation that leads exactly where the synopsis tells, and only then begins to pick up a rhythm with the investigation.

The author creates a fascinating and complex universe, with deep and true characters. It is the construction of these characters that hold the story, as the presentation of the mystery and explanation of why the girls are called Enlightened and being chased goes on for a long time, stretching the suspenseful atmosphere longer than it should and getting dangerously close to being become boring.

As the investigation progresses, the pace gets more interesting, but the answers to everything that was planted at the beginning never seem to arrive and create a huge feeling of frustration when it becomes clear that everything was only implied. It's easy to understand Harper's motives and why he calls the girl Enlightened, however an official conclusion about his desires, the House and the intuition that drives him to commit such violent crimes proves necessary in a universe so detailed, leaving a hole in the plot. for failing to explain.

The outcome is fair and plausible, ending the main plot and investigation, but the epilogue reinforces everything that was not explained and creates even greater confusion. illuminated it is a thriller that had everything to be a great highlight, but it lacks in its shallow explanations and abandons the detailed universe initially proposed, becoming just a satisfying investigation of a different crime, when it could be much more than that.

Thunder Wave review
review-illuminated-lauren-beukesIlluminated had a creative premise and a promising plot, but its slow and sometimes disjointed execution hinder the reading, which becomes slow and a little confusing until it picks up the pace.


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