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Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is back bigger, better and funnier than ever. When super soldier Cable (Josh Brolin) arrives on a murderous mission, the mercenary must learn what it is like to be a real hero, recruiting powerful people, or not, to help him.
Review of Deadpool 2? Are you sure? You will soon see that the film is worth it!
Ok ok! But why should you go to watch? For many reasons. One is that this sequence is really worth it. Many critics were unsure whether the jokes still worked, even after a series of advertisements involving the character's release.
Like Rubinho Barrichello, David Beckham, pamonha, among others.

Certainly, the more clumsy the propaganda involving Spider-Man, I mean, Deadpool, the better!
The film is engaging, with light jokes (yes, there are several of them), dirty (much more), adventure, drama and family. Well, don't you believe?
Deadpool 2 is a family film, even if it is for one with children over 18 years old. The most chatty mercenary in the universe of comics has the family as cute. Whatever it is - let's not spoil the surprise - our hero has this mission. During the film we are introduced to two types of dramas, which involves Cable, coming from the future in his mission to kill someone and that of Deadpool, which is to protect.
Strange, coming from two characters where the objectives in the comics are the opposite. Even if Cable does not hesitate to kill his opponents, his part is always to protect. Wade's, well, we think he doesn't even know what his real motive is.
Whatever, the two end up having different points of view, even if they have the same drama.
Ryan Reynolds remains fantastic as Deadpool. And now with the arrival of Josh Brolin as Cable, the cast has only grown across the board. Not only in the brightness of the actors, but bringing to life two characters much loved by fans.
It is not easy to play strong characters and that the viewer can get involved. Cable is not beautiful and not even sexy like many Marvel characters. He is scarred, has sad, murderous eyes. It doesn't have that pain that Logan brings in his eyes that everyone wants to protect. No way. Josh's Cable, is definitely a character we want to stay away from.
Zazie Beetz brings a formidable Domino. Even with the criticism due to the color of the actress (Domino is white in the comics - very white!), She never reminds us of the character in the comics. The character in the film is strong, determined and lucky! And the actress plays a Domino beyond fantastic!
References to other films and heroes continue. There are some extra scenes at the end of the film, but no post credit.
From 10 to 10, Deadpool 2 is definitely a 10! A well-directed film that already leaves its mark as one of the best adaptations ever made of superheroes on screens. Unlike others who have had great beginnings and forgettable sequels, like Iron Man and even X-Men.
And let the curtains go up, until the next one!


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