golden sun is a series of fantasy role-playing games developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo. The game tells the story of a group of magically attuned "adepts" who are tasked with preventing the potential release of Alchemy's destructive power, which had already happened in the past. As these characters, players navigate the game's fictional world by defeating enemies, solving puzzles, and completing quests to reach the end of the story.

This is a title that was kind of forgotten for a long time, since the launch of dark dawn at the Nintendo DS, but as is always the case with RPG and fantasy titles like The Legend of Zelda, the series has a fan base completely in love with its narrative, mainly for the love of a certain person that resulted in a tribute beyond special.

this person is Bryson Elam. Bryson is the guiding light behind the ambitious project Golden Sun Broken Seal Director's Cut, which it describes as “a reimagining of the first game, featuring voice acting, rescued music, as well as custom illustrations and animations, to help expand the game.” To give you an idea, in recent years, Elam has assembled a team of artists and voice actors, among them Mike Pollock, better known Dr. Sonic's Eggman and Brand Kopp, the voice of Lady Palutena from Smash Bros., stop their work.

This version is practically a celebration of the game's 2001 release which turned 20 years old on August 1st of this year. However, his desire to get the project off the ground was inspired by more than a simple love for the game itself. For Elam, Golden Sun has a much deeper and more meaningful connection as it is her way of connecting with the memory of her late friend, Fabian Gonzalez.

“Fabian and I had known each other since we were little, our mothers were single mothers and, at the time, they were working for the US military,” he said. “Our friendship would form an unbreakable bond over the years, joking around and nicknamed each other. mario bros.”

About the game, he said that “Regarding Golden Sun, I won the game at Christmas that year, but initially I was disappointed, hoping for another game. However, Fabian advised me to at least try the game. From there, Golden Sun became my go-to RPG, not only becoming my first, but also my favorite. Its meaning has evolved over the years, signifying the bond I had with him. As we get older, we both go our separate ways; he was going to join the Air Force while I went to college, but we both promised to work on a special voiceover project for the series once we met again. Unfortunately, before we had a chance to start, he was murdered while visiting his family. He was 21 years old.”

This is a sad part for anyone who has such a rich friendship. And even more to have something that was a strong bond between them. As such, Elam continued: “As someone who has had to move from place to place, I have never had the opportunity to make many friends. And Fabian's death devastated me, for he was the only person in the world who knew me better. However, I decided to honor his memory by keeping our promise alive. Going into that, I wanted to make this project special. But I faced a difficult task, with factors like: similar projects being carried out by more established groups, along with my limited skill set, experience, and resources. I knew this was too big for one person to handle without anyone else.

Fortunately, I would join forces with another passionate fan of the series called Jazz, who had already contributed to a major series project through Golden Sun Abridged Series. Together, we were able to bring together a small group of voice actors and artists, and with their help, we would have a platform to present our work through Memoir Productions (a more fitting name, all things considered).

What started with seven voice actors has suddenly grown to ten. Then 20; the project now has more than 50 voice actors (including top-notch professional actors), along with several musicians and a team of artists and animators. However, with this increase in support, I felt an internal pressure to surpass myself, not primarily for myself, but for the simple fact that I wanted this project to be something that people could look back on years later and have a sense of pride in. for being a part of something so great.”

As you can see, this version is more than just a passion for a game. It has real meaning, an ode to a dear one who is gone. In such turbulent times and social distancing, this is proof that games can bring people together even more. And congratulations to Bryson Elam and everyone who believed in this project.

Via: Nintendo Life


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