Certain works go beyond simply telling a story. They are expositors of life and are even “aggressive” with what they show on screen. Am sorry directed by Diego Lopes and Claudio Bitencourt, is one of these movies.

Often the viewer will want to stop watching and say that the film is dope and doesn't get anywhere, or even say that the way Elder, a character lived by Marco Ricca he's a fool for not realizing how much bullshit he's doing with his life.

Well, know that you are very smart and you have realized that it is very easy to solve other people's problems when you are outside and see everything happening. The screenplay for Lamento manages to do this masterfully. The moments when the viewer feels like everything sucks and nothing is going anywhere is exactly what is happening on screen.

Elder's life is like that. With financial problems, a life completely lost with his wife, his life has become more than a drug and an endless pit where every time he tries to return, someone throws dirt on top of him so he can't go anywhere.

Am sorry is a clear picture of how much trying to solve problems alone, wanting to keep the past, can simply destroy. In Elder's case, the Hotel belonged to his father and he is unable to evolve and maintain it because of changes in the hospitality industry.

Debts just grow every day and not even understanding a simple document, he can. In addition, every time he tries to ask for help, his ego and at the same time his way of not wanting his wife to know about the problems, only push him further away from those who could really help him emotionally.

And emotions are the big drama in Am sorry, which as the title says, is from the beginning a regret of how we ended up making mistakes at certain points in life and what remains, is just that: sorry for the path you took.

One of the problems of the film are some parts that remain unexplained, such as a call that Elder's wife receives from a person named Oswaldo and that's it. Another point is the photo that shows the two of them in the past and in front of a hotel, and she is pregnant, but doesn't have a complement to it.

It is known that something has happened, that Elder has had problems before, as his wife says that she will not be able to bear it again. We just keep looking and wondering: what happened? The answer doesn't come and it corrodes you, makes you feel in the dark and even angry. Well, that's exactly what the film wants to do with you.

This “narrative problem” made you feel like the character, in the dark, not knowing what is true or false anymore or where to go.

This is a movie that will make you feel bad, that will remind you of problems that you once thought you would never get out of or see how much others couldn't find solutions, but you saw and did nothing. It's easy to see from the outside, the hard thing is knowing how to stay on the side and reach out, even when the other is on the edge of the edge.

Am sorry opens in theaters on August 26th.

About Sorry

Elder (Marco Ricca) runs the hotel he inherited from his father. In his hands, the hotel has gone from a luxury resort to a hotel on the brink of bankruptcy. The failure of his professional life reflects on his marriage, which is in ruins and with no prospects for improvement. At the edge of his emotional balance, Elder puts everything on the line as he faces his demons and the consequences of his decisions.

in the cast too Veronica Rodrigues, Otavio Linhares, Ilva Nino.


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