Book Review: The Crow - Definitive Edition



Created by James O'Barr, HQ The crow was originally created after a tragedy. In 1978, James' girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver. Unable to bear the pain, he enlisted in the army and was sent to serve in Germany. It was there that, in his spare time, he wrote and drew the first forty pages, in 1981. His sadness and anger at the death of his girlfriend gave the character a violent and melancholic tone.

The crow is a best-selling independent comic and has a legion of fans around the world. Many define it beyond a masterpiece, as having changed their lives.

"We don't recognize our souls until they are in pain." James O'Barr

The melancholic tone of the character, along with all the frustration, pain and hatred, permeate pages in black and white, with strong traits that express the author's pain. There is no life in its pages, everything is dead. They are pictures with thoughts of what life could have been with the loved one who passed away.

Eric's pain is so great, it catches us off guard, when we realize that we've been standing for minutes looking at that same page and reflecting on what he just talked to Raven, who accompanies him during his revenge journey.
Eric is not just a character, an anti-hero created to illustrate an adventure. He is and could have been each of us. The pain of loss, knowing that you will never be able to live another moment with the one you love. Remembering every passage they had, words spoken, things that I thought were so banal and now will no longer exist. This is all taken away in a cowardly way, in a brutal and senseless way.

Many times on this path of revenge, we are Eric, sometimes we are Raven. Some critics say the comic encourages violence. The best answer is given by the creator himself:

“Violence is in those who find it before reading a story or seeing a movie, if someone can't differentiate between fiction and reality, that guy has a problem”.

The crow it's a real roller coaster of feelings, going from pain to despair. The character's quotes centered on death, show that she really is the end of everything. The style of dialogue and drawings are very dark, mixed with biblical phrases.

The HQ is an “od” to lost love in every way, whatever it may be. It is a response to injustice, which abuses psychological violence in its raw form and in the aesthetic created by James. And without a doubt, The crow represents each of us at some point and that we hope, never go through what its creator and character went through.

DarkSide's Definitive Edition is above the quality of the publisher's releases. With a complementary material of covers and drawings, to the texts about the work.

Its hardcover and the title of the work intertwined with the name of its creator, join as alliances and mix even more the soul of the character with that of James.

Everything in this edition is in sync.


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