Review | Settlement of Accounts - John Grisham

Resenha | Acerto de Contas – John Grisham 1
Accounts Settlement Cover | Image: Editora Arqueiro

John Grisham it is a name that sells itself. His books are full of mystery and twists that make him dizzy. For this reason, Accounts Settlement which tells the story of a character who fought in World War II, a peaceful city dweller, religious and who does nothing to harm people, but suddenly kills the reverend of the city in cold blood, it would be breathtaking. Well, it would be.

Unfortunately Accounts Settlement it does not hit his narrative at all. The book has the feel of a roller coaster, but it is only visual and is totally flawed in bringing that chill in the belly.

The author divided his work into three parts, showing the events that led to the death of the reverend, the past in the war and the end with the trial. Only the plot is dragged and dull. It doesn't take long to actually happen, nor does it happen at all. Even when it reaches the third act, the outcome does not lead the reader to the apex, but to the relief of having finished reading.

The story takes place in the late 1940s, which already serves as a backdrop for a quality narrative. End of the war, a United States different from the current one, where American honor, customs and way of life are taken very seriously. It is a time when “washing honor” is justified, and taking the real reasons to the grave is something that everyone understands.

Even if the story is more regional, it is not an excuse for a weak work. Grisham has many other suspense books that lead the reader to get lost in real labyrinths, deceiving their logic and bringing out the worst that humanity has, with plausible justifications, which show how much we are still guilty of our actions.

Unfortunately, Accounts Settlement falls short of what is expected of a writer of Grisham's caliber. It is hoped that he will be able to settle accounts with his readers in the future.

Thunder Wave review
review-settlement-john-grishamAcerto de Contas is a book that doesn't even seem to have been written by John Grisham. The plot idea is fantastic, but the narrative is tiring like the details of a true trial case.


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