The new stage of Marvel universe just debuted today, January 15th. Who inaugurates this new format is the miniseries in 9 episodes WandaVision.

WandaVision arrives with 2 episodes released by Disney +, with a completely black and white look honoring period sitcoms as The Sorceress, The Couple 20 (the couple’s name is Hart, just like in the series), Lucy's Show, among so many other classics. Of course, there was no shortage easter eggs thrown in the face like the Stark Industries among other names that appear in some corners like the Ant Man.

See more: WandaVision | Understand who Wanda really is

The two episodes still do not really deliver the path that WandaVision will follow. For the time being it focuses on a series from the 1950s to the 1960s, with a soundtrack, costumes and mainly the laughter recorded in the background. A little bit of the mystery of what can happen appears, but very little.

For fans of comics, nothing will be much of a surprise, as it brings a little of the pre-events of the saga M Dynasty, When Wanda was married to Eyesight and also those that occurred during the Dynasty. The difference is that in the miniseries there is nothing related to mutants, since until recently X-Men were the domain of Fox, which now belongs to Disney.

Anyway, the first two episodes are good, with an excellent performance by the actors Elizabeth Olsen and mainly from Paul Bettany. They masterfully deliver charismatic and comical characters. Even with the funny parts, the pain of loss is stamped on Wanda, since WandaVision happens after Avengers: Endgame.

In order not to spoil your expectation with what is to come and what happens most in these episodes, it is better to end with: watch, have fun, but know that “even in pain, perhaps the heart feels pain, and it is in it that it ends in regret (King Solomon's Proverbs).”

Thunder Wave review
critique-wandavision-pleases-but-leaves-many-explanations-openWandaVision is a good series, but it lacks the explanation of the current moment, contenting itself only with instigating curiosity with short phrases throughout the episodes.


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